The second semester builds on the foundation with more advanced concepts and practical skills. Key subjects include:
- Anatomy and Physiology II: Continuation of human body structure and function.
- Biochemistry II: Advanced biochemical processes.
- Nursing Foundations II: Advanced nursing procedures and patient care techniques.
- Microbiology I: Basics of microorganisms and infection control.
- English II: Advanced communication skills.
How Ezinurse's Online Course Helps
- Advanced Video Lectures for deeper understanding.
- Interactive 3D Models for complex anatomical studies.
- Extensive Reading Materials for thorough preparation.
- Regular Quizzes to track progress.
- Active Community Forum for continuous support.
- Live Expert Sessions for real-time learning.
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- From Computer, you can access your courses after successful login
- For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.